I Write My Story

OlympicNP Road

“I am the lead climber. I am the expedition leader. I am the band leader. I choose my journey and I construct my brand. I am fueled by the desire to create and inspire. I am surrounded by my tribe who support, challenge, question, and inspire my actions. One hand in front of the other, one step at a time, one drum beat after another. I write my story.”

~Brett Holt

A few months ago, I was on an plane ride across the country coming home to Seattle after spending a week in Washington, DC for work. While on the flight, I was reading an article about life mottos. I don’t remember the article, but most likely from Inc. or Fast Company.

I spent the next hour or so working on ideas. Putting various thoughts together. What is my motto? How do I begin to tell my varied life story? I worked on a few drafts and eventually came to what you see above. It reflects my what moves me in life (creativity, unknown), who encourages it (tribe-friends), and takes current activities into account (climber, drummer) to make an analogy. I sit back on this often and am happy with it. It just may stand the test of time….my time.

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